I am afraid this will be rushed and will be short one sentence descriptions so I can fit more titles in the post.
First, Elan Mastai, a screenwriter - first time novelist, has All Our Wrong Todays coming on February 7. Here Tom Barren lives in a Utopian 2016 with flying cars, etc but because of a time travel accident lands in 'our' 2016. He finds this present charming. Does he stay in this world or try to change it back to utopia?
J.D. Robb has the 44th Eve Dallas title coming out on February 7, Echoes in Death. Here a surgeon is beaten to death, his wife is found stunned and bleeding. Who did this? The wife says 'the devil'.
Jonathan Kellerman has his 32nd Alex Delaware title coming on February 14, Heartbreak Hotel.. Here Delaware and Sturgis investigate the death of a 100 year old patient of Delaware's.
Mark Billingham has Rush of Blood arriving on February 7. Three British couples becomes friends while all are vacationing in Florida when a teenage girl dies mysteriously. On their return to England, secrets are uncovered and when a teenage girl disappears - they start wondering.
Lisa Gardner has Right Behind You coming out on February 9. This is the 7th in the Quincy-Rainie series. Quincy and Rainie are about to adopt a 13 year old girl whose older brother beaten her drunken abusing father to death 8 years ago. Now, it appears as if he is killing again.
Tom Rosenstiel has Shining City coming on February 21. This is a political thriller written by a veteran journalist. The President hires a fixer to vet the president's nominee for Supreme Court. The fixer, Peter Rena, finds a string of killings overlapping with his investigations. Who is orchestrating them?
Jennifer Ryan has The Chilbury Ladies' Choir coming on February 14. Because I love historical novels and because novels told through letters and journals are always popular, I had to throw this one in here. The vicar tried to shut down the choir after all the men left for WWII but the members resisted.
M.C. Beaton has her 37th Hamish Macbeth title coming on February 2, Death of a Ghost. While Hamish and his underling Charlie Carson spend the night in a castle to prove that it was not haunted, Charlie fall through the floor and they discover a body.
Deborah Crombie has Garden of Lamentations coming on February 7. Gemma James and Duncan Kincaid work on two different cases close to home. The murder of a nanny to a child who goes to the same dance studio as Gemma's and Duncan's child and several cases suggesting police are being targeted by one of their own.
Lastly, something different, a debut novel by the publisher of Quirk Books. Jason Rekulak has The Impossible Fortress coming out on February 7. In 1987, three bumbling teen age boys try to steal a copy of Playboy from a local convenience store. When various things come in there way, one of them (Billy) decides to cozy up to the owner's daughter to get it. However, Billy decides the owner's daughter is his type of girl. Coming of age story......kind of.
OK - well it will be 4 to 6 weeks before I am back doing this. Hopefully there is enough reading material to keep you busy.